Le « National Learning Infrastructure Initiative » (NLII) propose une recherche et une analyse sur l’utilisation du portfolio électronique (ils en font leur « key theme » pour cette année 2003). Will Richardson se demande si les réponses à cinq questions (voir le site) pourraient aider à étendre la pratique des cybercarnets en éducation (traduction libre). La NLII se propose de concentrer ses efforts sur ces points:
« –Support sharing current and emerging practices in the design and development of e-portfolios;
Investigate e-portfolio systems as to their transformative value with regard to teaching and learning;
Inform technical specification development efforts that would relate to supporting e-portfolios;
Assist groups like Learning Design Use Cases Work Group to understand the role of portfolios in learning design. »
Ces travaux seront intéressant à suivre dans la perspective où nous partageons certaines prémisses de départ:
« E-portfolios are an NLII key theme because their use has the potential to transform teaching and learning so that it is more learner-centered and outcomes-oriented. Architects, artists, and others have long used portfolios to show their visual work, while other professionals (e.g. musicians) use them to demonstrate their creative talents. Portfolios are collections of work designed for a specific objective‹that is, to provide a record of the accomplishments. Many students already produce portfolios for various uses, such as reflection, communication with instructors, or presenting examples of outstanding work and credentials to potential employers. As our technical capacity grows and we become more and more able to collect, store, manipulate and share information digitally, and as students develop the skills necessary to produce their portfolios in electronic formats, electronic portfolios become a potentially vital part of a students’ permanent records, and of their management of their own learning. E-portfolios are also beginning to be used by faculty, and at the institutional level (as part of accreditation review). Issues that arise include how to design to improve student institutional learning, privacy issues, ownership issues, technical standards and interoperability, management of distributed digital repositories, and impact on registrars and student services at institutions of higher education. »
Cet article, « Building an E-dentity for Each Student », cette lecture recommandée, Electronic Portfolios:Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning » et cette autre ressource, « Computers for All Students: A Strategy for Universal Access to Information Resources » forment une trilogie plutôt « parlante » dans la poursuite de nos travaux qui visent à développer « l’application portfolio » à partir du cybercarnet avec Movable Type !

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