Voir ce billet de Pam Pritchard, membre du EBN et celui-ci de Sarah Lones. Collaboration à venir !?…
En passant, un passage par cet article du New York Times me donne un aperçu de ce que vivent les gens du Maine engagé dans « The Maine Learning Technology Initiative« … Un extrait : « These laptops are changing the way learning happens and the way teaching happens, » said Chris Toy, principal of Freeport Middle School. Such a transformation, Mr. Toy said, can happen only when each student has a computer. « We don’t have a pencil lab or put eight pencils in the middle of the room and have kids take turns using them, Computers are tools, and when every child in every school has one, it levels the playing field. »

1 Commentaire
  1. PamPritchard 22 ans Il y a

    Glad to see you visited my weblog, Mario. Yes, I’m in a rural, public school in Ohio. Hopefully, we’ll be able to plan for some Weblog collaborations in our future. 🙂

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