À voir et surtout, à entendre, ce forum tenu à l’Université de la Californie « at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism North Gate Hall Library ». Suivre le lien vers la retransmission archivée. Le propos:
« Since the last UC Berkeley weblog panel, users have integrated weblogs into their everyday life and work. Weblogs are mainstream, and they are changing the ways people manage knowledge. As the use of weblogs becomes inextricably intertwined with life and work practice, the act of weblogging influences the ways we share knowledge with our community, and audience. The Weblogs Information and Society panel draws webloggers from academe, business, and journalism to explore how weblogs continue to change the way groups and individuals work, learn, and communicate.
The panel will also explore how weblogs, and social software in particular, facilitate civic and creative engagement by increasing the fluidity of information between individuals and organizations. This developing relationship between weblogs, information, and society is significant and deserves further discussion.
Probablement le genre de discussion que tiendrait Michel, CFD, Clément, Martine et Bruno si on les réunissait…

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