De nouvelles lectures pour les prochains jours ici en lien avec cet événement ! Par exemple, un extrait de cette présentation :
« This study may provide insight into how to motivate and coach students to become more reflective and active participants in the learning process. This is consistent with Mokhtari, Yellin, Bull, and Montgomery’s (1996) suggestion that: ³In classrooms, portfolios encourage teacher self-direction and reflection and form the basis for professional development.² This study was designed to plot and understand the steps of successful development of a college-wide innovation of electronic teaching portfolios linked to state standards. This study also informs others of the problems faced when prospective teachers attempt to share what they have simultaneously learned about teaching, technology, and standards. »
En plus du cybercarnet, à lire dans les prochains jours donc :
Laptop Literacy: Using Wireless Laptop Computers in K­2 Reading Instruction;
Girls and Computers: Who Says Boys Enjoy Them More ?.
Et plus encore…
Quel programme !

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