Je découvre ce soir une publication intéressante, LEARN NC, « the north carolina teatcher’s network ». Cette section à propos de la communication avec les parents par le WEB regorge de ressources pouvant aider ou motiver un enseignant dans des pratiques pro-actives. Cette page, en particulier, contient un exemple concret de pratique exemplaire :
« The positive response from families was immediate. Working parents tell Kathleen that they check the site each day before going home or picking up their child from school. Before, a typical conversation between parent and student might have consisted of the parent asking, ³What did you do in school today?² and the child responding, ³Nothing² or ³Played.² With the classroom website, a parent or caretaker can build on the information conveyed in the daily summary and ask more specific questions such as, ³I read that Mrs. Eveleigh is reading Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. What happened to Charlie today?² or ³Tell me about the Irish dancing you learned in PE.² »
Le site de Kathleen Eveleigh (enseignante d’une classe de première année) est simple et efficace. Il respecte ces caractéristiques énoncées par la webmestre elle-même :
«  Don’t forget to obtain parental permission to post student pictures and work. After a year’s experience with a classroom webpage, Kathleen found that parents were much more willing to give permission this year.
 Use free graphics to ³spruce² up your site. Kathleen’s favorite site for clipart is
 Keep your site ³clear and uncluttered.² A simple page is easier to create, read and update.
 Attend staff developments to support beginning efforts. Once begun, Kathleen says that a classroom webpage isn’t ³time-consuming for the benefits received.²
 Remember to remain flexible in considering your classroom needs. On some days, Kathleen doesn’t feel like she has time to write a summary with the whole class. She may pull a small group together quickly or ask individual students to come and help her write the summary.
La rubrique « Classroom Technology » de LEARN NC vaut également le détour…

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