Will s’interroge, James trouve qu’il a raison de se poser des questions et George initie la conversation même si son billet est antécédent aux deux premiers ! M. Siemens apporte une belle contribution qui me semble en lien avec les pérégrinations des deux premiers « edubloggers » :
« A few thoughts on learning networks:
 Learning networks seamlessly blend elearning, knowledge management, and just-in-time learning needs (EPS ­ electronic performance support). The various components of a community (as listed above ­ access to gurus, etc.) serve to update knowledge (KM) and provide access to information when needed. Structured exposure (tutorial) provides more formal learning. It’s a cycle that updates and feeds itself.
 We need a portfolio that allows the ability to track and manage our own learning network. This portfolio is the equivalent of what we know call a transcript. It needs to be learner owned/controlled. Workshops, seminars, projects, etc. ­ these learning experiences are not captured in existing processes of determining employee/student competency. When an employee leaves a company, he/she should be able to take the personal learning portfolio along as proof of past learning.
 We need a shift in thinking about what it means to be ³educated² or competent. Currently, most employment adds list education level as a main determinant of competency. A piece of paper proves a learner’s worth. Yet, having attained a degree does not equate with knowledge/skill. Our personal learning network proves worth based on reputation and past work.
I sincerely believe that communities and networks are the future of learning. »
Pendant ce temps, nos pratiques se préparent à recevoir un premier regard extérieur en provenance d’un oeil averti…
À suivre !

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