« Innovate » est nouvelle revue bimensuelle en ligne publiée par la Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University. Dès sa première mouture, elle offre plusieurs articles intéressants dont « Effective Technology Integration in Teacher Education: A Comparative Study of Six Programs« . Comme le titre le suggère, cet article a tenté d’identifier des facteurs communs qui ont favorisé l’émergence de six programmes qui intègrent les nouvelles technologies. Les conclusions sont fascinantes : « (…) we believe that these common factors are fundamental to schools of education that seek to promote effective technology use in teaching, and to foster positive change in primary and secondary education. » Voici la liste des facteurs (traduction libre) :
Un leadership fort venant de la direction. « In each of these six schools, a dean has shown genuine commitment to integrating technology in the classroom. »
Des collègues qui inspirent. « These faculty members demonstrated an early interest in technology, continued to model its use in their classes, and provided campus-wide models of integration in their respective programs. »
Un support technique efficace et accessible. « On each of the campuses addressed in this study, technology support was present in varying forms for both faculty members and students. »
Des sources externes de financement. « As happens often in the world of grants and foundation support, money begets money. Financial backers like to support institutions that demonstrate they are « good bets »; they also enhance an institution’s ability to continue to provide the necessary matching funds needed to secure additional grants. »
Une mission clairement énoncée et le respect de certaines normes. « These mandates drive curriculum design, course activities, and assessment measures. State mandates have forced even the faculty who could be considered « late adopters » with technology to begin working towards incorporating technology in their teaching. »
Des gens de l’extérieur qui exercent une forte influence. « While each program faced its own unique challenges, the continued efforts of administrators, students, and faculty members to overcome such challenges highlighted the importance of technology integration across various academic departments. »
Émergence de liens forts entre les membres de la communauté d’apprentissage. « Such partnerships allow student-teachers to understand what technology is available in these schools, how it is currently being used, and the implications of technology integration based on the setting of the school and the demographics of its students. »
En établissant la liste de ces facteurs, il m’est apparu évident que notre cheminement se confond facilement avec cette série d’incontournables…

1 Commentaire
  1. CharlesR 20 ans Il y a

    Tout à fait juste !

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