Presque simultanément à différentes sources dans l’agrégateur, mais documenté en premier chez Stéphane, un merveilleux texte de Stephen Downes directement d’Australie, « The Buntine Oration: Learning Networks« . Un extrait caractéristique de la profondeur du propos :
« If, as I suggested above, we describe learning objects using the metaphor of language, text, sentences and books, then the metaphor to describe the learning network as I’ve just described it is the ecosystem, a collection of different entities related in a single environment that interact with each other in a complex network of affordances and dependencies, an environment where the individual entities are not joined or sequenced or packaged in any way, but rather, live, if you will, free, their nature defined as much by their interactions with each other as by any inherent property in themselves. We don’t present these learning objects, ordered, in a sequence, we present randomly, unordered. We don’t present them in classrooms and schools, we present them to the environment, to where students find themselves, in their homes and in their workplaces. We don’t present them at all, we contribute them to the conversation, we become part of the conversation. They are not just text and tests, they are ourselves, our blog posts, our publications and speeches, our thoughts in real-time conversation. Sigmund Freud leaning on the lamp post, just when we need him. »
Je devrai relire…
Mais puisqu’il est tard et qu’il est tôt en janvier pour se coucher si tard, je me limiterai à une phrase (en plus de ce que j’ai déjà écrit sur le billet de Stéphane). Stephen a vraiment le don de mettre de l’ordre dans le chaos qu’est le « World Wide Web »; de plus « cet élagage » est mis au service des apprentissages… quel délice !

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