La journée d’aujourd’hui sera marquée par l’intervention de Carl-Frédéric à la rencontre Blog 2.0 qui se tient à Paris.
17 h 30, heure de France : «Blog and Education». Ça se passe en Anglais.
For those who coming here from there, Welcome! Most part of this site is in French. To appreciate what is going on here, I suggest you to read this briefing of our approach or/and to know where I am going you may rather read this. My experiment began with this press release in september 2003 about a new program integrating technologies in the school where I was principal. Lots of post written in English on this edublog can also be usefull, but to taste the feeling of my weblog, French is the key.
Here are an article you should read too


Si les propos, opinions et prises de position de ce site peuvent coïncider avec ce que privilégie le parti pour lequel je milite, je certifie en être le seul éditeur. - ©2025 Thème KLEO


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